Google Ads API update deadline Jan 31, 2024

Google Ads API v13 has been deprecated and will stop accepting requests starting on January 31, 2024. That version of the API was used in v4.5.0 of the Analytics Edge Connector for Google Ads. If you are still using version 10 of the Analytics Edge Addin, that was the most recent update.

Since a number of people are still using version 10 of the Add-in, I have created an update for the connector (v4.6.0) that references an updated API. Update the connector to continue using the older Add-in.

A preferrable solution is to update the Add-in itself to version 11.x. This release introduces and updates user interface and all-new underlying code. I realize not everyone will want to do this at a moment’s notice, so the interim connector-only option has been made available.

Note that all future updates will be done in version 11.x of the Add-in product only, and connectors are included with the installation.